
Monday, December 3, 2012

5 Reasong Why You Should Buy a PC Instead of a Mac


Macs are easily the best things to happen to the computing world, by far.

But let’s face it, even with their superior performance, there are some reasons to choose PCs over them. Here are some of those reasons.

Best Food to Eat for Breakfast

The meal that defines the rest of your day and supplies the body with all essential nutrients, minerals and the required energy is breakfast. Here are some foods that are perfect to start your day with.

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A tall glass of low fat milk can be a part of your daily breakfast. There are numerous additions that can be made to the glass to make it interesting for you, chocolate syrup being a favorite with most people.

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For the ones who work and have time only for a quick breakfast, various options available in cereals today can prove to be the right choice. Whole wheat, oats and other nutritious grain cereals when consumed with milk and or fruits will not only fill you up but also give your body the required nutrition to pump you up for the day.

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Rich in proteins, eggs can also be a part of the breakfast for the eggeterians. You can try different egg preparations like omelet, boiled eggs, French toast etc. with bread and vegetables to keep this meal an attractive one for you.

more readings: Eager to loose weight? - Eat Eggs

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Whole wheat or multi grain breads and bagels available in the market today can be toasted, grilled or simply eaten with milk for breakfast. This rich, fibrous option is easy to prepare and can be used to make a mini sandwich with vegetables, mushrooms and meat.

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Vegetables can be a perfect source for all significant fiber, vitamins required by the body. Spinach, carrots, beetroots and other vegetables of your choice can be used to make a healthy sandwich or blended into a soup for breakfast.

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Fruits and Dried fruits
Fruits of different varieties can be an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals derived in the first part of the day. Fresh and seasonal fruits are recommended with or without milk. Also, include a fistful of almonds, cashew nuts, and walnuts to your breakfast to make it a complete nutritious meal.

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For the non-vegetarians, sausages or meat sandwiches can be the apt breakfast option. Couple these sandwiches with some fresh vegetables to give you the required vitamins too.

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Energy Bars
For people who are on the go and have no time to sit down and prepare a meal for breakfast can rely on energy bars which are a good combination of cereals, dried fruits combined with excellent flavor.

Starting the day on a healthy note will not only promise a healthier body but a healthy mind too. Avoid skipping this golden meal of the day and enjoy a happy and healthy life.

More Readings

10 Foods that make you sleepy
30 Ways to Prevent Heart Attack
Do's and Don'ts for Increasing Your Metabolism
30 Foods You Can Eat to Lose Weight


30 Foods You Can Eat To Lose Weight

The importance of a healthy diet is paramount to lose weight. While different sources proclaim their self-attested mantras on the food that should be eaten, nothing seems to make the decision any easier. The article clarifies all confusions by providing a list of 30 foods that guarantee weight loss.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Eager to Lose Weight? - Consume Eggs

Except vegetarians, most people absolutely enjoy gorging on eggs, whether boiled, sunny side up, or omelette. Although, there are several benefits linked to consuming eggs, the fact that they are rich in cholesterol content has created quite a stir for weight-conscious people.

Citing the cholesterol fact, some people even went on giving up on eggs completely. However, the fact remains that proteins form a huge part of eggs. And since proteins digest after a protracted length of time, here're the reasons why eating eggs can help you lose weight.

more reading:
Foods that helps you burn more Calories

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Top Ten Most Expensive Cars in the World

Fasten your seat belts  hold on tight and try not to hyperventilate, salivate as we titillate you with a list of the most expensive cars in this world.

Say sayonara to the Rolls and Mercs, for this is the league of extraordinary vehicles.

Warning: If you get a heart attack, you can’t sue us. We warned you.

Alternatives to Regular Exercise

You might think that you need to employ a combination of cardio and weight training in the gym, to be fit. But the tediousness of lifting weights, doing laps in the pool and running on the same stretch of road can be unsettling. Here is a list of great alternatives to help you gain that dream body without the monotony.

4 Things to Eat Daily for a Better Sex Life

You might be the most acknowledged alpha male in your circle of friends but this doesn’t mean that you will never suffer from periods of lowered libido. Given our hectic schedules and the increasing Industrial/environmental pollution we are being subjected to, our sexual health is bound to suffer at some time. Thus, it makes sense to read about foods that can be eaten regularly to ensure that you continue to rule the bedroom.

Top 10 Stressbusters for Men

In these times of cut-throat competition when everything moves to a lightning speed, stress has become a monster which keeps terrifying us.

While there are a plethora of products and therapies and pills (and what not) to help you cope with stress, it's not easy to find out which ones are real and which of them are duds. So to save you the stress of doing that research we present the Top 10 scientifically proven stress-killers to help you bid stress goodbye.

Foods that Help You Burn Calories

Weight loss occurs when you burn the calories that you are consuming. Fortunately, not all food causes you to gain weight. Eating certain foods can actually help you burn calories and fat because they boost your metabolism. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, then you should include the following foods and drinks in your diet:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How OFWs can grow their money back home

If you’re an OFW, you enjoy our most heartfelt gratitude: your remittances help support the Philippine economy in the global downturn, with inflows reaching record highs of $20.117 billion in 2011, as reported by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). But what happens to all that money when it hits our shores? If you’re wondering what else to do with your income after you’ve paid your kids’ tuition fees and built your house… where can you invest the rest?